The best part of working on Suitless Pursuits is the fact that I get to work on something special with my friends. Just like The Avengers (I like to think I’m Iron Man), the Suitless Pursuits team can be dysfunctional, but the upsides far outweigh the downsides. This is why I 100% recommend that you work on something together with at least one person. Whether your suitless pursuit is breakdancing, farming, or even starting a podcast, you never know when you could use a little help. Follow along as I walk you through some obvious reasons why you should do something meaningful with your friends and why you should do it now.

1. Motivation and inspiration (and taking credit for everyone’s ideas)

Both motivation and inspiration go hand in hand. Working with more than one person means that you’re opening up the gates and getting valuable input from people other than yourself. For example, when I attend meetings with my team, I become both motivated and inspired by them. I don’t always have the best ideas, like the time I wanted to fire everyone so I could take their salary for my own (turns out they don’t get paid in the first place).

But that’s why I rely on my friends to help fill in any gaps that I have. A lot of good and inspiring ideas come from talking to one another and refining each others thoughts. Once you are inspired you will be motivated to go out there and accomplish what you set out to do. If you have a shared goal with a group of like-minded people, it becomes that much easier to be focused.

2. Friends keep you accountable (because they know where you live)

Do you ever start something and never finish it? It happens all the time, and it’s because there’s no one to keep you in check. When you have someone to watch over your shoulder, you feel obligated to finish whatever you're doing. However, this doesn’t mean that a person will nag you all the time. It could be a situation where your friend simply asks, “Hey did you do the thing you said you would do?” to get you going. It also works vice versa, and when you give your friend a friendly reminder, it will make sure that you stay on track too. At Suitless Pursuits, we are more than happy to remind each other when an article is due.

3. Your friends are talented (maybe more than you)

You aren’t a perfect person. That’s why you need to assemble the people you need to help you. I do it all the time. You think I’m actually typing this article? Well, I am. Nobody would write it for me, but other than this one time, my team is usually willing to help me out.

When you work on something together with a friend, you can use their skill set to vastly improve something you are working on. In fact, this is a good way to cheat the education system. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, you can ask somebody close to you for help. For example, Elizabeth from Nature Booth learned how to build a photo booth from scratch with help from her personal network. Sharing knowledge is a good thing. Not only will it help you grow as a person, but it could actually improve your relationships with your friends, which brings us to my final point.

4. Awesome memories with your friends

Honestly, it just feels awesome to do something with your friends. No matter how serious your suitless pursuit is, I can guarantee there will be lots of laughs and feel-good moments. There will also be challenges headed your way, but that’s where the best memories come from. Working with your friends and overcoming obstacles together is something you can look forward to.

So what are you waiting for? Be motivated, be inspired, learn something new, keep yourself in check, and just go out there and create awesome memories with the people you care about. Oh and if you do decide to do something, please let me know. Just saying.

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